
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

I'll Lend You Child

Eleven years ago Tina and I came fairly close to losing our newborn baby girl.  Kate was born way too early and did not have very good odds even in one of the best NICU hospitals in Oregon.  Her lungs were not supposed to be able to work at that early age and she wasn't physically developed enough to suck, swallow, & breath.  After many tests, we were informed by the doctors that God must have big plans for our little girl because the only medical term they had for her was a "miracle".  We still had to wait nearly a month for Kate to get up to 4lbs before we could bring her home.  Tina and I often talk about how God comforted and calmed us as we went through that chapter of our lives.  The peace that He brought us was beyond all understanding.  About a year later God blessed us with our second courageous little warrior woman, Kellie.  We don't know what God's plans are for our daughters yet, but we know they are special and see God working on them and through them daily.  It's an amazing responsibility to consider that God has gifted us with two of his children and entrusted us in their parenting.

A couple of years ago God placed another little girl into our family.  Her name is Glorious and she doesn't have parents.  In two and half months Kate, Glorious, & Kellie will all be the same age for a week, 11 years old.  Glorious is our sponsored little girl from Uganda and in less then a week our family will get to meet Glorious in person.  

Tina and I are excited beyond words to be able to go to Uganda but that excitement pales in comparison to the joy and passion that Kate and Kellie have for for this trip and for getting to meet their "sister".  

It always brings tears to my eyes but I want to share a poem with you by Edgar Guest.  Tina and I read this poem everyday at Emmanuel Hospital hanging  on the wall in Kate's NICU and it has touched our hearts in a very special way.

"I'll lend you for a little while, 
a child of mine" God said,
"for you to love the while she lives,
and mourn for when she's dead.

It may be two or three short years,
or twenty-two or three,
but will you, till I call her back,
take care of her for me?

She'll bring her charms to gladden you,
and should her stay be brief,
you'll have her lovely memories
as solace for your grief.

I cannot promise she will stay,
since all from earth return,
but there are lessons taught down there
I want this child to learn.

I've looked the wide world over
in my search for teacher's true,
and from the throngs that crowd life's lanes,
I have selected you.

Now will you give her all your love?
Nor think the labor vain?
Nor hate me when I come to call,
to take her back again?"

God fancied he heard the parent's say,
"Dear Lord, thy will be done.
For all the joy the child shall bring,
the risk of grief I'll run.

I'll shelter her with tenderness,
I'll love her while I may, 
and for the happiness I've known
forever grateful I'll stay.

But should the angels call for her,
much sooner than I planned,
I'll brave the bitter grief that comes,
and try to understand."

Like I said before, I don't know or always understand God's plans but I do know they are always better than mine.  We will really try to keep you all updated during our trip these next two weeks and ask that you pray for all of us.
Jeff, Tina, Kate, & Kellie Peters


  1. I am so excited to hear and read all about this. Wishing you guys the safest most blessed trip ever! We love you! Emme and Chris

  2. Hi Jeff,
    I coached 10U softball for West Linn. I am a pastor there and know Melanie Kratzer. She told me about her trip. I'm excited you are going to. Sounds wonderful!
